Did you know there are things you can do on your own to boost your penis size? Here’s how to increase penis size naturally with herbs, stretches, and more!
The penis enlargement industry is growing at speed, as more men become interested in increasing the size of their penis.
Let’s cut to the chase. A small penis is just not as satisfying for a woman as a large penis, and this is probably why men are looking at how to increase the size of their own penises these days.
So if you’re not satisfied with the current size of your penis, you may be thinking about penis enlargement.
There are many books available which are a great source of information on how to increase the length and girth of your penis.
You might want to read one or more of these in order to understand how the processes work and to improve the size of your penis.
Here are some books which we recommend for anyone interested in penis enlargement.
Make Mine Grow
Make Mine Grow is a penis enlargement book which will help you to understand how to develop stronger and longer-lasting erections – and how to keep them that way.
It runs you through a thorough weekly training regime designed to increase your penis strength, including exercises. But it doesn’t rely on creams and lotions, which tend to make promises they can never keep.
These exercises focus on various areas of penile improvement, including curing premature ejaculation, developing a bigger penis and how to measure the results.
It promises to help you avoid injury with warm up and warm down exercises too, and to generally improve your sexual performance.
How can you get a grip on your performance versus other men using similar techniques? Well, you may also consider joining online communities where members focus on helping each other track their growth.
Penis Enlargement Bible
The Penis Enlargement Bible tells you all about how to get nutrient-rich blood and oxygen into your penis to support the cells in order to expand length and girth.
The method this book promotes is based around the growth of your penis during its natural development. It aims to restart the growth that occurred during puberty when your penis was growing as you became a man.
By doing this, it exploits the way your body naturally grew your penis in the first place and allows it to grow even more. It’s a wholly organic technique, so it doesn’t need the help of any pharmaceutical or mechanical aids.
As the Penis Enlargement Bible says, this technique will not waste your money on rubbish programs which peddle pills. And we agree – you should focus on natural ways to enhance your penis size to save yourself hundreds of dollars.
Natural techniques are the real secret behind reliable and impressive penis growth. They will help you gain rock hard erections and increase your sexual performance and stamina.
Jelqing: The Truth About Jelqing and What You Need To Know
This book is all about jelqing, which is a technique capable of adding up to 2 inches in length and girth to your penis. It is a natural method which doesn’t involve the application of any medical creams – though it does require some non-medicinal lubrication.
It basically involves massaging the penis with one hand, using a pushing motion to force blood into the head of the penis.
This book sets out how to jelq your penis safely, the best lubricants to use while jelqing, and it also sets out the history and origin story of the method.
It tells all about the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, as well as plenty more useful information about penis health in general.
This includes information on boosting its elasticity and overall resilience.
Penis Exercises: A Healthy Book
Penis Exercises gives readers a number of active tasks to do relating to their penis.
The penis is ‘shapeable’ through exercise, it says, and what this means is that the penis can be increased in size with the exercises shared and explained by this book.
It says that penis exercises yielded harder, stronger and longer-lasting erections, that improve erection strength as much as any drugs. So why would you waste money on penis pills when they cost so much more?
Use this book to help you build a powerful pelvic region and increased vascular health in your penis.
Encyclopedia of Male Enlargement
This in-depth encyclopedia advises on everything from good diet to exercise and the use of regular erections to improve your penis size.
It focuses on not only growing your penis but maintaining its size over time.
This involves paying attention to the circulatory system, exercises to increase size (including kegels and jelqing), and overall health management – such as keeping your weight down and staying trim.
It gives an unbiased view on penis pumps and other mechanical aids – which we don’t think are as useful as natural exercises – herbs, stretches, and so much more.
Then it goes even further by busting myths and giving you many ways to safely increase your penis size at home, without the need for painful and invasive surgery or witch doctor style remedies – or quack pills for that matter.
I’m Interested in Penis Enlargement
Books are a great source of information, but you may just want to skip to the good part. If you are interested in penis enlargement, Phalogenics is probably going to be the easiest and best solution to growing a larger penis quickly.
Our natural solution means you avoid expensive surgery and enhance your penis without risky pills, bogus medication or useless penis pumps.
If you’re wondering about out methods, take the time to watch our in-depth video explaining the rationale behind our program.
Some of the exercises we endorse as part of our method take just 15 seconds but will boost your length and girth in no time at all.
We are so convinced of its effectiveness, we offer a no-hassle 60-day money back guarantee if you’re not happy.
If you’re serious about penis enlargement, order the Phalogenics training series today for just $69. Get a bigger result in a fraction of the time other methods demand.