If you’ve been doing research on male enhancement, chances are you’ve come across male enhancement pills, but how well do they actually work?
Did you know 15% of women reported not being satisfied with their partner’s penis measurements? And 45% of men reported the desire for a bigger penis size.
This means the demand for male enhancement strategies is quite high. And male enhancement pills are one of many options to reclaiming the passion.
Let’s take a look at how male enhancement pills actually work.
Sexual Health Problems Faced By Today’s Man
There are many common misconceptions about male enhancement pills. We want to present you with the facts here.
The average male encounters several sexual health issues today, including:
- Erection impairment in duration or ability
- Reduction in sexual drive
- Mediocre performance in the bedroom
- Inadequate sexual stamina
- Unsatisfactory penis size
- Fears of being “less than a man”
Although these concerns may be common, they are no less uncomfortable for the man who experiences them. The good news is, there are ways to improve your overall intimate performance.
Male Enhancement Pills
Male enhancement pills are one option to improve stamina, libido and entire sexual performance.
How They Work
Many male enhancement drugs use organic or natural ingredients. These pills typically work through improving natural functioning in the body.
Areas addressed by enhancement pills may include:
- Elevating the levels of testosterone in the body
- Increasing blood circulation to the genital areas
- Balancing out hormones of the body
By improving blood circulation to the penile tissue, these pills can result in larger and stronger erections. Increased circulation also works to boost energy for better sexual stamina, a heightened intensity of orgasm and a sharpened libido.
Some supplements work through aphrodisiac properties, as well. For longterm benefits, you’ll need to commit to taking these supplements for the long-term. Some male enhancement pills need to build up in the body for maximum effects.
The Effectiveness of Male Enhancement Pills
As with most supplements, the results depend on how the individual’s system responds. It’s important to be patient. Some of the most profound improvement may show up after a few months of use.
How To Choose
There are a lot of different kinds of enhancement pills on the market. You’ll want to arm yourself with information before you choose. Three things to consider are:
- Trustworthiness of the brand – Does the brand have an invested interest? How are the ratings? Product reviews?
- Reliability of the brand – What are other customers saying about the results Customer reviews?
- The ingredients of the product – Are there any non-natural ingredients in the pills? What are potential side effects?
You can also use enhancement drugs in conjunction with penis exercises to boost your chances of success.
Lifestyle Factors Contributing to Male Sexual Concerns
In addition to increasing your libido, improving your bedroom experience may require certain lifestyle changes. Some of the variables within your control include:
- Prolonged and unaddressed unhealthy responses to daily stressors
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Poor nutrition and eating habits
- Smoking
- The use of steroids
- Anxiety and unexpressed fears
- Unexpressed and unresolved anger that can be turned inward and lead to depressive symptoms
There are ways you can address each of these points. This will help you chip away at the lifestyle choices that negatively affect your bedroom performance.
Addressing Contributing Factors Within Your Control
Here are a few techniques you can use to target the lifestyle factors within your control.
Prolonged and Unaddressed Stress
Stress that is not handled well can wear on the body and mind. Both body and mind health can affect intimate performance.
Stress causes the hormone Cortisol to be released into our bloodstreams. This hormone can contribute to male performance issues.
A few ways to decrease your stress levels include:
- Deep breathing or regular meditation to release tension
- Regular massage
- Reducing the number of stressors within your control
- Therapy
We can’t get away from stress. We either learn ways to cope or we suffer the consequences.
Alcohol Consumption
Decreasing your alcohol intake by even one or two drinks can have a profound impact on performance.
You can record your alcohol consumption for one week and look back at the patterns of drinking. If you drink more than a few nights a week and more than two drinks at a time, you may want to make an adjustment.
Eating Habits
There are foods that can either harm or help your sexual stamina. A few foods that negatively affect performance include:
- Shrimp
- Cheeses
- Processed foods
- Sugar
Some foods that positively impact performance are:
- Walnuts and almonds
- Avocado
- Oysters
Several vitamins have also been linked to improved libido. Some of these include vitamins A, B3, B6, B12, and C.
This is pretty straightforward. If you’re a smoker, you can try a smoking cessation program or hypnotherapy. Both have been shown to help people quit smoking successfully.
Although they may seem a good idea in the moment, the aftereffects of steroids on your performance are not worth it. By now, it’s pretty common knowledge that steroids affect male performance. Drop the steroids.
Fear and Anger, Anxiety and Depression
Fear leads to anxiety, and anger leads to depression. When you address your fears and anger in healthy ways, these symptoms lighten.
You can work with your partner to address these areas. Or you can seek outside support through therapy.
Natural Factor Outside Your Control
A common factor outside of your control that could be contributing to performance issues is the natural process of getting older.
You can’t stop the aging process. This is where you need to learn acceptance and surrender techniques.
Don’t Resist
You may have heard, “what you resist, persists.” This is true of aging, as well.
The more you curse or resent the spare tire or reduced stamina that comes along with it, the more stress it’ll create in your life. And we’ve already identified stress as a contributing factor to decreased sexual drive and performance.
Acceptance and Surrender
When you can surrender to the natural changes that come along with growing older, you’ll be able to better address them. Some ways you can do this is by journaling, letting go meditations or daily affirmations of acceptance.
Finding the Right Male Enhancement Pills For Your Needs
From changing your diet to penile stretches to male enhancement pills, there are many ways you can reignite that spark of passion for your lover.
If you’re looking for the best in male enhancement pills, check us out today.