When doing male enhancement exercises, it’s important to understand how they help with penis enlargement. Continue reading how to maximize penis enhancement.
When we think of penis enlargement, the first things that come to mind are pills, creams, and some strange devices. Many people are unaware that there are natural ways you can boost your penile size with just simple exercises.
Many men yearn to increase the length, girth and erectile rigidity of their penis. Unfortunately, most people are always looking for shorter and fast ways to attaining that.
A typical size of an erect penis is usually about 5 to 6 inches with a few circumstances of 4 to 5 inches. But there are some men with smaller sizes than that, and this tends to affect their bed performance.
Well, I’m going to share some natural male enhancement exercises you can start doing today to boost your penile length and girth.
Let’s get straight to it.
1. Stretching
If you are just getting started, stretching is the ideal exercise you want to focus on. You need to perform this exercise when your penis is not erect and should be done 10 to 15 times.
Grab your penis at the head and stretch it forward to its maximum comfortable limit. Try to hold each stretch for about 15 seconds before releasing it.
After the stretching exercises, shake the penis to help relax the muscle
It works by stressing the penile tissues, causing micro tears within them.
When new tissues start to grow, the size of the penis grows too. This exercise also helps to boost the flow of blood to the penis thus encouraging thicker and bigger erections.
To attain the maximum results with this penis workout, you should try stretching your penis every day.
2. Jelqing
Unlike stretching exercises, jelqing is performed while the penis is almost completely erect. Do not attempt this exercise while the penis is completely erect as it can lead to possible injuries.
Jelqing is a technique that allows for an effective natural enhancement. You can perform it by using your thumb and forefinger to make the OK-sign. Also, ensure to use lubrication for this exercise to avoid any injuries.
With your OK-grip, stroke your penis from the shaft towards the glans. Ensure the grip is slightly squeezed while doing this.
This exercise also helps to boost blood circulation to create girth and length. When you are just beginning, try to perform 100 strokes a day.
Jelqing also stimulates the cell division of the tissues in your penis, and this helps to boost the size.
3. Kegel Exercises
These exercises are synonymous with women to curb stress incontinence after giving birth, but do you know that there are kegel exercises for men?
Also known as pelvic muscle exercises, Kegel techniques involve strengthening the pubococcygeus muscles.
They also help your erection to last longer, especially if you have premature ejaculation or sexual dysfunction.
Doctors usually recommend these exercises to men with weak pelvic floor muscles, such those with diabetes or obesity.
The pubococcygeus muscles usually support the angle of your erection and help in controlling orgasm. When you perform these exercises, you can benefit from increased blood flow to the penis.
It works by squeezing or contracting your internal muscles, which you use for urination.
The important tip here is to focus on improving your pubococcygeus muscles. The good thing about Kegel exercises is that you can perform them anywhere without anyone noticing.
4. Ballooning
This practice is different from the others as it uses the urge of ejaculation to boost your penile size.
You can do it on its own or after your penis enlargement regimen. It helps to enhance your penis through enlargement, increasing stamina and improving rigidity.
This exercise does not involve stroking. You only need to rub your “magic spot” to stimulate an erection. You can also perform the Kegel exercises to take your erection to the maximum.
Ballooning works great for people with premature ejaculation as it helps to gain control over your ejaculation.
Not only will you gain penis enhancement benefits, but you’ll also enjoy strong stamina and rigid erections.
Keep Track of Your Progress
To ensure that the exercises you are engaging in are yielding results, it’s usually important to monitor your progress. Also, it’s not something that it’s going to happen overnight.
You need a lot of time, effort and dedication to ensure your penile size gets a boost. Bear in mind that having the right penis size matters.
Like any other exercise plan, it’s easy to get discouraged and quit. So, brace yourself and be confident that it’s something that you really want.
The first step is to determine the actual size of your penis before you start the penis enlargement exercises. Some people would want to take pictures of the penis before you start the exercises.
Your original size is the benchmark for your progress. Do regular checks and see where you stand every week or after a certain period.
You can take a picture each month and record your measurements for that month. Ensure to take the measurements for both your flaccid and erect penis.
Typically, recording your progress will help to keep you motivated.
Safety with Penis Enlargement Exercises
There is nothing wrong with aiming to get a larger penis. That’s what many many crave for, right?
But there is something wrong when you don’t put safety first. Keep in mind that it’s your life. You don’t want to engage in extreme exercises that can lead to unwanted injuries or complications.
Remember, moderation is important when doing the exercises. As a beginner, start slow and only advance when you are confident it’s the right move.
Men enhancement exercises are generally safe that most methods of enlarging your penis.
The Bottom Line
These exercises for penis enlargement offer both physical and psychological benefits, and many men have reported an improvement after weeks of regular exercises.
Some people would want to opt for surgery to get quick results, but it carries its own risks. The last thing you want is dealing with health problems with your penis.
Good penile exercises rely on the ability of the muscles to stretch and grow thus boosting the size of your penis.
When you are uncertain about the right thing to do, seek professional help from services that offer male enhancement exercises that work.
Take your time, and you will certainly get the right results.