What if we told you that you could increase the size of your penis with a few simple exercises? Well we’ve got some male enhancement exercises that really work.
Remember those old ads in the back of comic books and magazines for male enhancement? We’d stare at the photos and wonder if it could work.
With strange devices and outrageous claims, we knew it was too good to be true.
The whole situation can be incredibly stressful. You may wonder if you have the right penis size and if size really matters anyway.
But you know it does. The question is, can actually increase penis size that doesn’t involve expensive and dangerous surgery?
The good news is yes. There have been scientific advances to develop male enhancement exercises that really work.
Don’t wait to have the size you’ve always wanted. We can help.
We’ve put together a guide for male enhancement exercises that really work.
Here we go:
Male Enhancement Exercises Are Safer Than Surgery
If you want to increase the size of your penis, male enhancement exercises are your best bet.
Unfortunately, surgery isn’t just dangerous, it’s often very unsafe.
We’ve all heard of trained doctors getting sued for malpractice. But penis enlargement surgery is so risky some doctors have even gone to jail for botching the tricky procedure.
In South Florida, news accounts reported:
A patient had his penis mutilated and was unable to function sexually after a botched penis enlargement procedure. The victim said:
“There are a lot of more people out there that suffer and are going through what I’m going through, and they’re afraid to come out.”
The procedure cost the patient thousands of dollars. The arrest warrant said the victim’s penis was left “incredibly small.”
And “very swollen and the skin around the shaft had been removed and was raw.”
Avoid the Dangers
Think a botched surgery and a loss of several thousands of dollars is the worst that could happen with penile enlargement surgery? Guess again.
In another awful surgery gone bad, the victim had to have his penis amputated altogether. An infection from the procedure left his doctors no other choice but to remove his penis surgically.
We can’t imagine anything worse than trying to get a larger and more satisfying penis only to have it amputated. It’s like a horror movie.
Luckily, male enhancement exercises are safe. They’re also inexpensive and proven to work.
You can start off by stretching. But before you do, it’s important to measure your progress.
Record Progress
In any exercise or nutrition plan, it can be easy to get discouraged and want to quit. We’ve all seen this with New Year’s resolutions and diet fads.
You want the results, but don’t want to put in the work. One of the best ways to fight the urge to quit is by recording progress.
You need to measure where you start from and do regular progress checks,
For male enhancement exercises, you will want to measure both length and width. You can perform these measurements both erect and flaccid.
Using a soft measuring ribbon is often the best way to measure thickness or width. You may want to store these numbers in a safe place.
Refer to them often. With determination, you will be seeing results in no time.
Stretching is one natural way to increase size.
Stretching techniques are one way to naturally start increasing the size of your penis. Stretching exercises require you begin in a relaxed state of mind.
Stretching your penis is similar to stretching other parts of your body. You will be increasing blood flow to the penis.
Increased blood flow is what creates bigger and thicker erections. Just as bodybuilders stretch before lifting weights to get bigger, you will be performing stretches to get larger as well.
Stretching is important and should be performed every day. You will also want to use Kegel exercises as part of your male enhancement exercises.
Kegel Exercises
Many women are aware that women can perform Kegel exercises. But did you now they are often an effective tool for men increasing the size of their penis?
Kegel exercises are performed by squeezing internally. The muscles you use to stop the flow of urine are the same muscles you contract when performing Kegel exercises.
By performing Kegel exercises daily you will be building the internal muscles in your penis. You will also have greater control of your erections.
Jelqing exercises involve varying the blood flow to your penis. You will start off with your thumb and forefinger wrapped around your penis base.
Slowly pull your hand up to the head. This process will stimulate blood flow throughout your penis.
Your penis and hand should be well lubricated for this exercise. You will want to perform the exercise daily.
If you are performing these exercises regularly with a proven regimen you will see results. Make sure you record your results.
It’s amazing how easy it is to get bigger now. As long as you know the right exercises to perform and how to perform them correctly.
Start Getting Bigger Now
Don’t wait any longer to get thicker and longer.
Now that you know that there are exercises that work to increase penis size, the question is which ones?
You know that stretching and Kegels are effective. But how do you perform all the exercises you need?
And how often do you perform these exercises?
Don’t worry. We can help.
Did you know that Phalogenics provides male enhancement exercises that work?
Our exercises have been developed to help your penis get bigger. Penis enlargement exercises rely upon this innate ability of muscle fibers to stretch and grow to accommodate exercise, along with the tendons and ligaments.
The penis is not made up of skeletal muscle tissue. Instead, it is made of smooth muscle and is affected by the ligaments attaching it to the pubic bone.
The erectile tissue, corpora cavernosa, is a spongy tissue containing distensible blood spaces, which increases in size when blood is pumped into it.
You can start having the penis size you’ve always wanted starting today. Don’t wait.
You’ll have access to the full training series when you order Phalogenics now.