There are a few impressive sexual positions for a small penis that you should know about. Read on for a complete guide on these positions.
If you’re struggling to get the leverage you’re looking for, don’t give up quite yet. The size of your penis isn’t the only determining factor when it comes to having great sex. It all depends on how you’re using it.
When it comes to fulfilling sex, some positions will suit a smaller-than-average penis. The trick is to make the most of what you’ve got! Experimenting with a few different positions is a great place to start.
If you’re anxious to perform better or to enjoy yourself more, it’s probably time to try out some of the best sexual positions for a small penis. Read on to find out more!
Sexual Positions for a Small Penis
If you’re feeling like your member isn’t up to the task, there are some things you should know. The average vagina is only around four to eight inches deep even while aroused. What’s more, most of the pleasure women feel comes from stimulating the opening of the vagina, around where the clitoris is situated.
The part of the clitoris we see is only the tip of the iceberg. It extends partway down either side of the vaginal opening and is stimulated through penetration and pressure. The majority of your partner’s pleasure is felt within the first couple of inches of penetration.
The key to a satisfied partner is to focus your attention on that area. You don’t need to be swinging a bat around to make a good impression. Pick a position that makes the most of your natural talents, and you’re off to the races.
A side note, before we explore some positions; remember that a little foreplay goes a long way, fellas!
Doggie Style
An age-old favorite with heavy notes of dominance and submission, this is a sure winner for both participants. Have your partner get on their hands and knees and position yourself behind them. You can adjust for the height by widening the distance between your knees or changing the angle of their thighs.
A below-average penis is more than enough for the task at hand in this position. You have complete control and can maneuver however you like. The bonus of this position is you have your hands free to aid in stimulation wherever you see fit.
Reaching around to tweak a nipple or pay attention to your partner’s genitals will be well received. You can also pull them back onto yourself for some added penetration. This is all while you get a great view of your partner’s butt, so what’s not to love?
A smaller-than-average penis won’t get in the way of playing big spoon. This comforting and intimate position is an instant classic. Spooning is probably one of the main reasons people call in sick, getting out of bed in the middle of a cuddle often just isn’t worth it.
Spooning can be taken to another level, though. It’s just the same, but with the bonus and intimacy of penetration. This form of turbo-cuddling allows the feeling of safety and security of a good spooning session while also indulging in some sexual gratification.
The trick to best penetration here is to have your partner lay with their neck over your arm while holding the top of their thigh with your free hand. This allows for surprising leverage and control which you’re both sure to enjoy. You can also shuffle your pelvis further down, breaking the closeness of the spooning but allowing for more vigor in your lovemaking.
Legs Up
This sexual position has a variety of different names, but the essence of it is that your partner lays on their back with their legs up. More flexible partners will be able to lay back with their knees to their chest. You can also assist by holding their thighs down which will in turn lift their pelvis up and towards you.
With your partner positioned like this, there’s nothing between you and the goal. For a small penis, a fat bottom is enough to get in the way of decent penetration. These kinds of positions allow for your penis to be the main point of contact, and something you can lean into.
Get on your hands and knees above your partner in this position for even more leverage and penetration. If you want to take it a step further, and they’re flexible enough, you can put an arm under their neck to pull them close. Have fun with this position and be sure to communicate with your partner to find out what’s working best!
Ironing Board
A favorite position for the less endowed and their partner alike is the trusty ‘Ironing board’, where they lay flat on their belly and let you go to town while they take a break.
You can specify your preference of having their legs together and between yours, or have them wide open while you kneel between. This will be down to personal preference, so give them both a try!
This variation on small penis positions serves to sheathe the penis comfortably due to the angle of your partner’s pelvis, and some anatomical luck. If you’re feeling adventurous you can also turn them slightly to the side so they can lift and bend their leg at the knee. This opens your options up and allows for a particularly close fit.
Slow and Steady
Satisfaction comes in all shapes and sizes. Communication is the most valuable asset in terms of reaching fulfillment in the bedroom. Don’t be afraid to voice your desires and ask your partner to do the same!
If you’re still curious about the possibility of growing your penis a little, you might want to look more into Phalogenics. Sexual positions for a small penis are many and varied, but there’s no harm in the potential of adding an inch or two to your member. You can read all about it here!